
My name is Stacey and I love yarn.

I love knitting it, spinning it, weaving it, wearing it, sniffing it, petting it, and purchasing it.

I’m a self-taught knitter, learning first from a book in May 2002, and then learning “for real” (as in, I finally understood what I was doing and how to do it in a way that felt right) from online videos in September 2005 (the video tutorials I learned from can be found at KnittingHelp). I consider the fall of 2005 to be my real start as a knitter. I’ve had the needles in my hands pretty much every day since then. The act of moving sticks and string through space to create something lovely grounds me. When I knit, I feel connected to the earth, connected to the sheep, connected to my ancestors, and connected to every other person on the planet who creates. I feel like it knits me together with them all.

I tried to become a self-taught spinner, but it didn’t work out for me the way the knitting did. In 2009, after a few failed attempts at learning to spindle spin, I bought a wheel and took classes at The Spinning Loft from Beth Smith. I found the learning curve for spinning to be steeper than that for knitting, but once my body “got” it, I was hooked. I love the full-body meditation aspect of spinning, how it is both calming and energizing at the same time, and how I can be completely focused or totally zoned out, whichever one my mind needs at the time.

In September 2010, I published my first design, specifically for use with handspun yarn. I won a design contest with that pattern, and that affirmation led me to believe for the first time that I really could do something I’d been dreaming of doing – release some of my knitting ideas out of my head and into the world.

In addition to knitting, spinning, and designing, I like to sew, weave, cross-stitch, write, bake, cook, and take pictures. Basically, I like to make stuff. I have twin ten year-old boys, and, to my great joy, they like to make stuff, too.

I started this blog in January 2006, as a very new knitter. At the time, knitblogging was the best way I knew to connect with other knitters. Since then, Ravelry, flickr, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have all become forums for that kind of community. I still find value in blogging – as a way to chart my own course, to keep track of my creative dreams, challenges, and accomplishments, and to connect more personally with you, my readers, my co-creators, my community. I’m so glad you’re here.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. We are getting two Cormo lambs this spring–we’ve never had lambs before….I so want to learn to spin in order to fully appreciate the joy of owning a tiny little flock, but I’ve tried drop-spindles and even that is somewhat intimidating. I’m afraid I am very much a perfectionist and want my handspun to look like “professional” handspun. Probably going to have to get over that…your thoughts here on learning to spin give me hope again that I can make it happen. 🙂

  2. Pingback: The Liebster Stops Here (Part I) | Knit Me For a Loop

  3. Stacey,
    I enjoy your posts and smile each year you share about your beach miracle. I am sorry to hear that you are managing cancer. Please know I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    All best,

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