You guys rock! (and other things worth mentioning)



Y’all are rocking my world so hard right now. Seriously, I am totally blown away by the response to my last post. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has donated, linked, or left a comment. I am so moved by your kind words and your generosity. When I set up the raffle, I thought maybe in a month’s time I might be able to raise a few hundred dollars to give to Sister Mary Luke and the Women Touched by Grace. My big dream was to make it all the way to $1000. Dude. We hit $1000 today. Yeah, that’s like 5 days after the raffle began. Wheeee!!!!

So I think I’m going to add another prize to the mix. I haven’t decided what yet, but I want more people to be able to win stuff, so there’s definitely going to be another prize. In fact, how about this – for every additional $500 that gets donated, I’ll throw another prize in. Sound good? (Y’all, I’ve never done anything like this, so if there are like typical “raffle rules” and I am somehow breaking them, please let me know).

I also have to say thank you to Sivia Harding. Sivia not only designs beautiful lace, she has a beautiful, generous spirit. After she read about the raffle and saw that as part of one of the prize packages I was going to buy some lucky lace-lover one of her designs, she offered to donate the pattern herself. Isn’t that so sweet? Thank you, Sivia!

I did not give appropriate linkage on one of the awesome prizes: the awesome and adorable Schrodinger sock-knitting cube, which can be purchased from Schrodinger’s Etsy Shop. I had salivated over them ever since she first opened her store last year, and they are every bit as sweet and useful as I had hoped.

I am in the process of sending out little formal email acknowledgments of the donations received. This is going to take me a couple of days, probably. In each email, I am indicating how many entries you are receiving, based on your donation (plus the free one for every $20 donated, plus another free one for spreading the word on your blog). PLEASE send me a correction if it doesn’t look like I got it right. I’m particularly concerned that I may not match people’s blogs with their names on paypal. So if you mention this raffle on your blog and my email confirmation doesn’t seem to include that extra entry, please do let me know.

Let’s see, it seems there were some other random things I needed to say. Oh – YES, I will wind yarn for anyone who wins who would like it. And I thought there would be a comment section on people’s paypal forms to let me know if there was a specific prize you would especially want, but I guess not. It’s fine to leave that in the comments or to shoot me an email.

And one final random and amusing note. Thanks to you guys, wordpress now thinks this little knitspace is an up-and-coming blog because of how many hits I got after I posted the raffle and you started spreading the word. Check this out. I’m number 17 on their list of “Growing Blogs” for July 10th. hee hee

Thanks, y’all, for everything. You make me kind of in love with the internet.

3 thoughts on “You guys rock! (and other things worth mentioning)

  1. Stacey–
    Congrats on a great idea and fantastic response! If I happen to win, my preference would be the lace package….

    Just a thought: I hope your beach vacation is fantastic, but you might want to be prepared for a return of the traumatic feelings. The antidote would be talk talk talk talk–language activates the frontal lobes, dragging you out of the reptilian part of the brain that seems to react to trauma. Literally, out loud, talk through it.

    Have a wonderful, grateful, joyful time. See you when you’re home!


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